Toxin Management Solutions


Avitoxzyme™ works on all three toxin mitigation strategies. Avitoxzyme™ is a dry balanced mixture of more than half a dozen enzymes, natural extracts and mineral carriers.

The enzymes ensure biotransformation of the toxin by breaking them down into inactive molecules that can be safely excreted by the bird. Mineral carriers bind to the toxin in the digestive tract, and ensure their safe excretion. While natural extracts prevent the formation of radical epoxide by mycotoxins in the liver.

Standard Dosage: 250-500 gm/MT


  • Efficacy against a broad variety of mycotoxins (Aflatoxins, Trichothecenes, Zearalenone and Ochratoxin)
  • Enhanced adsorption, biotransformation and bioprotection
  • Efficacy and safety parameters are certified by EU regulations
  • Protection against endotoxins
  • Binds only target toxins; beneficial molecules like vitamins and minerals are remain unaltered


Avito-Bind™ is a toxin binder and uses adsorption mechanism to mitigate toxins.

Standard Dosage: 1kg /MT


  • Efficacy against a broad variety of mycotoxins and endotoxins
  • Only toxins are targeting (i.e) other beneficial molecules like minerals, vitamins and antibiotics are not bound.
  • Alleviates organ stress
  • Ditoxin free certificate
  • Efficacy and safety parameters are certified by EU regulations